5G Technology: The Current State & Development

5G Technology: The Current State & Development


5G Technology: The Current State & Development | 米国の5G最新動向とスタートアップご紹介!

5Gには、Low Band(600MHz~850MHz)、Mid Band(1GHz-6GHz)、High band(24GHz-40GHz)の3つの周波数帯があります。

米国では、High BandのmmWave戦略を取っていたので、Mid bandは、長らく国が占有していたため、民間への開放(オークション)が遅くなったという経緯があります(その影響により、中国企業に技術開発を先行されてしまい、企業の締め出し政策となります)。

そして、2021年2月(図①)と2022年2月(図②)のオークションにより、Mid Bandの一部分が民間に開放されました。すでに①に関しては、現在利用できるブロックが制限されていますが、VerizonとAT&Tがサービスを開始しており、順次広がっている状態です。2023年末にブロック制限が解除されるため、2024年から本格的な5G利用となるというのが大方の予想です。

How To Choose Your Next Book

How To Choose Your Next Book

Featured Blog

How To Choose Your New Book

Tertulia, a sleek new app that takes a novel approach to online discovery, is the latest entrant in this increasingly crowded niche.

Tertulia aggregates book discussions and recommendations from across the web, drawing from social media posts, book reviews, podcasts, and news articles to generate reading recommendations tailored to individuals’ tastes and interests.

Users can get personalized recommendations by answering questions about which genres they like and who they want to hear about books from (options include space explorers, poets, chefs, historians, entertainers and book critics). Users can also sign in with their Twitter accounts, allowing the app’s algorithms to sift through their feeds and find book recommendations from people they follow.

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Top Cybersecurity Ecosystem 2022

Top Cybersecurity Ecosystem 2022


Top Cybersecurity Ecosystem 2022

As organizations accelerate digitally, their attack surface expands and network complexity rises. Simultaneously, cyber threats are becoming more automated and innovative. To deliver the expected secure, high-performance user-to-application connection, today’s organizations require a new approach.

According to Gartner, cybersecurity mesh architecture (CSMA) is one of the top strategic technology trends for 2022. It claims that incorporating cybersecurity mesh into collaborative ecosystems will reduce financial losses from cybersecurity attacks by 90%.