Marie Kondo: Decluttering After The Time of Covid

Marie Kondo: Decluttering After The Time of Covid

The way we live in our homes has shifted in the last two years. Are we ready to return to a spartan existence, or is it our new stuff that brings us joy now?

“There is no better time than now to reflect on what sparks joy as we return to the office or develop new ways of working in a hybrid model,”

With her 2014 book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” Kondo entered the American consciousness, and her name became a verb: “Kondo” your sock drawer and get a handle on your life.

Shopping “was probably one of the few things that a lot of people could do that actually felt good” during the pandemic’s peak, said Travis Osborne, director of the Anxiety Center at the Evidence Based Treatment Centers of Seattle. “Shopping and consumption are behaviors that reinforce one another. When we buy things, neurochemicals related to feeling good are released in the brain.”

So we did it with zeal. But now that we’re returning to a life outside of our homes, Kondo is here to remind us that all those Instant Pots and inflatable pools may no longer bring us much joy, if they ever did.

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Detection and Response for Security Experts and IT Administrators

Detection and Response for Security Experts and IT Administrators


Faster and more accurate detection and response for security and IT operations

Reduce Time to Detect and Investigate

Sophos Intercept X Advanced with XDR is the industry’s only XDR solution that synchronises native endpoint, server, firewall, email, cloud and O365 security. Get a holistic view of your organisation’s environment with the richest data set and deep analysis for threat detection, investigation and response for both dedicated SOC teams and IT admins.

Whether you are looking for a macro-level assessment of your organisation or want granular detail on an area of particular interest, you are covered.

Choose from a library of pre-written, customizable templates covering a wide range of threat hunting and IT operations scenarios, or write your own. You can access live device data, up to 90 days of on-disk data, 30 days of data stored in the Sophos Data Lake cloud repository, and an automatically generated list of suspicious items to help you get started.

3Q Gains JCCIPI Membership

3Q Gains JCCIPI Membership


3QX JCCIPI monthly magazine

Netmarks PH subsidiary 3Q DASH TECHNOLOX, INC. was recently accepted as a Regular Member of the Japan Chamber of Commerce & Industry of the Philippines , Inc. (JCCIPI) – a prestigious organization of Japanese companies doing business in the country.

JCCIPI was founded in 1973 as a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering interaction among its members engaged in business in the Philippines. Among its members are the largest Japanese corporations involved in strategic industries such as energy, infrastructure, manufacturing, and trade. It is a member of the Philippines’ Joint Foreign Chambers (JFC) and maintains active dialogue with the Philippine government and counterpart local associations such as the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), the Philippines-Japan Economic Cooperation Committee (PHILJEC), and others.
When 3Q Dash Technolox, Inc. was formed, its officers – Messrs. Philip Sanvictores (President), Raymond Sanvictores (Director), and Kambe Hirofumi (DNP Manager) – approached Mr. Matsunaga Keiichi, then President of JCCIPI (Mitsubishi Corporation Manila Branch General Manager), to introduce the venture, the first of its kind in the Philippines. Following that, the JCCIPI Board reviewed the company’s application for membership and approved it on July 20, 2022.
Following is the article published by the JCCIPI in its monthly magazine where 3Q Dash was introduced.



会 社 名 (Company Name): 3Q DASH TECHNOLOX,INC.(賛助/Support Industry)
住 所 (Address): 6/F Electra House Bldg., 115-117 Esteban Cor. V.A. Rufino St., Legaspi Village, Makati City, Metro Manila
電 話 (Landline Phone): 02-8812-7977
E-mail : [email protected]
業務内容: 主にラストマイル配送を想定した物流配送管理システムをインターネットを介して提供
Business: Last-Mile Delivery Software as a Service (SaaS) Solutions
代 表 者: フィリップ・サンヴィクトレス (代表取締役)
Representative: PHILIP SANVICTORES (President)
日本人数: 0人 現地人数: 7人
Japanese Staff: 0; Local Staff: 7

皆様はじめまして。 当社はフィリピンの物流配送市場の効率化と、 新たな就業機会創出による貧困問題等の社会課題改善を目的として 2022年2月に3社合弁にて設立されました。まだまだ設立間もない事業体ではございますが、ささやかながら日本人商工会議所の一員として貢献できればと考えております。どうぞ宜しくお願い申し上げます。

Nice to meet you all. We were established in February 2022 as a joint venture of three companies to help improve the efficiency of the Philippine logistics and last-mile delivery sectors, as well as create new employment opportunities eventually helping reduce poverty in the country.
Although we are a newly established business entity and still a minor member, we hope to contribute even modestly to the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Philippines. Thank you very much.

How The US Is Going Green | 米国の温室効果ガスとカーボンニュートラルへの取り組み最新動向!【シリコンバレー便りVol.30】

How The US Is Going Green | 米国の温室効果ガスとカーボンニュートラルへの取り組み最新動向!【シリコンバレー便りVol.30】


How The US Is Going Green | 米国の温室効果ガスとカーボンニュートラルへの取り組み最新動向!【シリコンバレー便りVol.30】



This Cheese Eggplant Miso Casserole Recipe Will Blow Your Tastebuds

This Cheese Eggplant Miso Casserole Recipe Will Blow Your Tastebuds

Featured Blog

Eggplant Miso Cheese Casserole Recipe

Because eggplants are in season right now, this is a great way to use them. If you want to cut calories, the eggplant and meat mixture stir-fried in the pan can be eaten without the cheese.

If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, you can also substitute a soy meat product of your choice for the minced meat.

Why not give it a try if you’re looking for a tasty and simple recipe this summer?

roasted eggplant on a plate