「食品ロスをなくせ! 売れ残りをレスキューしたい店と消費者をマッチングする『TABETE』」:【IT×食品ロス】(2021年1月13日号)

「食品ロスをなくせ! 売れ残りをレスキューしたい店と消費者をマッチングする『TABETE』」:【IT×食品ロス】(2021年1月13日号)


「食品ロスをなくせ! 売れ残りをレスキューしたい店と消費者をマッチングする『TABETE』」:【IT×食品ロス】(2021年1月13日号)





Japanese business culture and etiquette

Japanese business culture and etiquette


Japanese business culture and etiquette

Japan’s unique culture has been shaped by trends and forces from within and outside the country. An understanding of these and how they have shaped Japanese society will help you in your dealings with Japanese people, businesses and society in general.

The Japanese have been very effective at adapting religions and schools of thought from outside the country. Confucianism and Buddhism came to Japan through China and Korea, with the Japanese taking these teachings and adapting them to local conditions and sensibilities. Following more than two centuries of self-imposed exclusion, the Japanese did the same again with Western ideas and institutions from the 1860s onwards with great success. Modern Japanese culture can be seen as the mutual reinforcing of ancient Shinto, Buddhist and Confucian traditions overlaid with modern institutions. 

Source: https://asialinkbusiness.com.au/japan/conducting-business-in-japan/japanese-business-culture-and-etiquette

TBConsulting Partners with Nutanix for Rapidly Expanding VDI Environment

TBConsulting Partners with Nutanix for Rapidly Expanding VDI Environment

Case Study

TBConsulting Partners with Nutanix for Rapidly Expanding VDI Environment

TBConsulting has been providing high quality managed IT services to clients in the Southwestern region of the United States for over 20 years. As a result of its excellent reputation, demand for services has been escalating. “What led us to Nutanix was the ability to provide exponential growth for our clients,” explained Dieter Gable, CEO of TBConsulting. “One of our largest healthcare clients posed the question, ‘If we were to grow by 10x in a very short period of time, how fast could you respond?’ We wanted the answer to be ‘very fast.”

TBConsulting used a 3-tier infrastructure platform before moving to Nutanix. “It was a very traditional set up,” noted Gable. “We were buying a lot of EMC storage systems and HP blades. It was a homegrown solution, pieced together with Cisco components, using VMware ESXi and Horizon View for the virtual desktop environment.”

As a result of the complexity of the 3-tier environment, there was room for improvement in deployment time. “Acquiring all of the new equipment, configuring it, and getting it ready for use always took several months,” Gable reported. “We vetted several best-in-class vendors, and came away with the clear impression that Nutanix had the best solution for our fast-growth, VDI use case.”

Read the full article here: nutanix.com/company/customers/tbconsulting

The Nutanix Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) solution enables IT to ensure both enterprise-wide productivity and efficiency while providing users with a high-level computing experience.

Netmarks PH focused on testing and deploying VDI Infrastructure in different industries such as:

  1.  Manufacturing
  2. Real Estate
  3. Fintech

Talk to us now! Learn how VDI makes desktops and applications an on-demand service, anytime and anywhere.






米国大統領選がクライマックスを迎えています。2020年11月3日の投票日が近づくにしたがって、熱気をおびてきているのが、実際に住んでみると非常によくわかりました。 投票を促す報道やメッセージなどが日に日に増えていきました。日本とは違い、著名人やスポーツ選手などが支持する候補者を公表したり、投票に行きましょう!と呼びかけたり、企業や団体なども同じようにメッセージを発信していました。以下は、私宛に届いた企業や団体などからの選挙を促すメールなどです。



息子の通う小学校3年生の授業ではこのような資料を利用しながら 、


Starship Delivery Robot

Starship Delivery Robot


Starship Delivery Robot

Watch our on-site colleague and correspondent Mr. Tomohiro Katazasa report on the Starship delivery robot live in Mountain View California.

Video Timeline:

0:33 – Place an order

1:37 – See the Starship Robot cross the street

3:00 – Robot arrived at the delivery point.

Click here to watch the starship drone video.